Friday, October 2, 2020

Guru kathavali 10. Mirror Mansion

The  Mirror Mansion at Gurupuram is known as Atmajnana Mandir/ Temple of Self realisation.  The walls,  the floor and the ceiling...All are built out of clear high quality mirrors!
One day the Dog Prince happened to enter the Mirror Mansion.  He stood at the central lobby, perplexed, bewildered and confused!!  Where ever he looks, to the left,  right, to the back,  top or down he sees himself!  His reflections! Bewildered and perplexed he started barking loud,  louder and louder!!   And the barking sound echoed heavily in his ears!   Suddenly the barking was changed to groaning and moaning! Again the deafening rebound groaning noise!!  Fear! Confusion! Panic!!!
The dog prince had nothing to do!! Only to make a sudden escape!!!  He just jumped out of the mansion and  there stands the Guru.   Guru spake  "Hi! Princes!  What ever you see,  what ever you hear,  what ever you feel  in your world is the reflection of yourself!!  You can see,  hear or enjoy the things that is with in you.  Your out side world is the product of your inside world!"  
                     Narayanan Mangalam